Debt Clearance Application

Complete the online application below

Please note that:

  • All payments should be made directly to ClearMeNow through our secure payment portals.
  • Once we have received your full payment, your file will be transferred to our legal partners. At that point, we will need the following documents from you: a copy of your ID, 3 consecutive months of payslips, and 3 consecutive months of bank statements.

Single Application

Joint Application

Employment: Main Applicant

Employment: Spouse


I/We declare as follows: 1. I/We undertake to comply with all requests from the Attorneys to assist him/her to evaluate my/our state of indebtness and the prospects for possible debt review removal
2. I/We hereby consent to the submission of my/our information to all registered credit bureaus by the Attorney
3. I/We also consent that the attorney may obtain my/our credit record from any/all registered credit bureaus and any other registers which may contain any of my/our credit information
5. I/we confirm that the information obtained in this document is, to the best of my/our knowledge, true and correct
10. I/We hereby choose as my/our domicile citandi et executandi (legal address for all notices) for the purpose of giving notice, the serving of, any process and for any purpose arising from this agreement;
11. I/We do hereby agree to pay all legal costs and expenses of whatsoever nature on an Attorney and Client basis including collection commission,tracing agent
12. I/We agree that the amount owing to in terms of this agreement at any time shall be determined and proved by a certificate signed by any one of the Company's authorized representatives whose appointment, qualification and authority need not be proved. I/We irrevocably waive and abandon any of the Company's upon the Company in any litigation or other proceedings to furnish security for costs.
13, I/We agree to the following information and confirm; i. Consumer remains responsible to make all payments to his/her creditors, in full and on time
iii. Consequences of making short or late payments(e.g.risk of application being rejected in court)
iv. Debt review removal fees are payable to the company for admin, processing, credit check and sundries as well as to the attorneys for services rendered.