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How does ITC Clearance work?

There are important considerations when it comes to the removal of Debt Review from your name.

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How does ITC Clearance work?

There are many challenges that consumers face when debt has taken hold of their lives. Unfortunately, even after the efforts made to overcome debt issues, you may still require a debt clearance service to help you clear your name. How does ITC Clearance work? Let us help you navigate a successful journey to ITC clearance.

Before we start the ITC clearance process, it is necessary to check your credit record and establish where the problems are. Once you’ve received your credit report, you should make sure it does not show any inaccurate information, and if it does, this needs to be disputed. As a South African, you’re entitled to a free credit report once a year, and this will detail your credit history, all loans (current or in the past), and adverse listings which include judgements, defaults, debt review, administration orders, as well as sequestration and rehabilitation orders. Depending on which adverse listing it is, this can stay on your credit report for anywhere from 1 to 10 years.

The ITC Clearance process works by removing judgements and ensuring all outstanding debts are paid off. There are new regulations in place that allow default listings (which occur when you fail to make payments to a creditor, continually pay late, or respond to their demand letters) to be removed once all debt has been settled. In addition to working with you to remove this listing, we can also assist you if you’ve successfully completed the debt review process and have yet to be issued a clearance certificate. Only once you receive your clearance certificate will this listing be removed from your credit profile.

We can also help remove default listings that violate your National Credit Act rights or have exceeded the time frame to legally reflect on your credit report. Having a professional work with you on the ITC Clearance process can make a big difference, helping you benefit from a clear credit report. Our Clear Me Now team offers a specialized ITC and Debt Review Removal service that manages the intricate processes of your clearing your name on your behalf. The process involves detailed documentation submissions and is governed by many rules and regulations, but when done correctly, can be very successful.

ITC Clearance is essentially the process of clearing your credit report so that you can move on with your life and enjoy the financial freedom you’ve earned. Your credit crisis has an end and with Clear Me Now, you can rely on transparent and legal processes to help you take back control of your finances. Contact us today to get started!