
Removal of Debt Review

There are important considerations when it comes to the removal of Debt Review from your name.

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If you’ve completed Debt Review to overcome financial challenges, improving your credit score must be a driving factor. Managing your finances effectively is essential, especially after struggling with affordability. Are you facing difficulties removing your Debt Review status? Let Clear Me Now help!

To remove your Debt Review status, ensure that:
• You’ve fully repaid your debts according to the plan provided by your Debt Counsellor.
• You’ve paid the full fees for the Debt Counsellor’s services.
• If you own property, your mortgage payments are up to date.

If all these conditions are met, you should be eligible to receive your Debt Review Clearance Certificate.

Once your Debt Clearance Certificate is issued, you can begin applying for credit again. However, it may take about a month for the credit bureaus to update your profile and remove the Debt Review flag, along with any default listings or judgments. Typically, your credit score will start to improve within 3 months, although some creditors may require further improvements before approving credit applications.

At Clear Me Now, we recommend waiting a month to check your credit report after receiving your clearance. If there are delays, we can follow up with the credit bureaus on your behalf to speed up the process.
Our team has the expertise to ensure that the Debt Review flag is removed from your profile, along with any negative listings, helping your credit score recover. We’ll help you obtain your ITC Clearance Certificate and ensure that you’re positioned for greater financial freedom.

Let Clear Me Now clear your name legally and swiftly, so you can move forward with confidence. With a clean credit record, you’ll be ready to apply for housing, vehicle finance, and more, securing a bright future for you and your family. Let’s get started today!

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